Ahh, the people.....
Ahh, the people have called, and want another post. Actually, I was dreaming one up, you know, wondering what could be interesting enough to get my fans back. But until I figure that one out, I have some things to talk about.
I catch the bus at 6:30 AM each morning. If I catch that one, it takes only 45 to 60 minutes to get to work. If I catch the 6:55 bus, it takes about 75 to 90 minutes. Mind you, I could drive to work in about 10 minutes, if I had a car. BUT having to go downtown and deal with disgruntled bus drivers who drive away even if four of us are about 15 feet away, waiving and running to catch that particular bus....
So, my bus ride. Since I spend about two hours each day sitting on the bus, you would think I would read or do something useful. Nope. I read at first, but started getting car (bus) sick. I tried to knit, but the needles were awkward. Crocheting is much easier, but I don't do that very often. I look out the window, or watch and analyze the people on the bus. There are all types.
The annoying types include the guy who sat and stared at me for the full 30 minutes (I transfer busses, so it's about 15 minutes on the first bus and 30 minutes on the second). The more annoying types are the people, unfortunately most are women, are the ones who sit on the outside and won't move in for people to sit. There could be old or disabled people needing to sit, and these mean, cruel people still sit on the outside. The just keep "reading" or acting like they don't notice the people standing, or notice the fact that the bus is packed.
And it's quite amazing how many people do not believe in bathing regularly. I'm not saying they have to bathe each day, and I understand there is a large homeless population who doesn't have the luxury of bathing each day. BUT the people, mostly men this time, who just smell! Their hair smells like oily hair, they smell like stale body odor. YEEUCKK!!! And it's also amazing how many men still do the comb-over. Not just the little four or five inches from one side to another, but the 10 inches swirled around like a sleeping rodent. For those of my close friends who might read this, remember, if you start to lose your hair, no one likes a comb-over.
Okay, enough complaining. It's just going to get worse. If Bill and I actually find a house we can afford (or possibly just a glorified shed), my commute will probably get longer. We're in kind of a tough spot. It's hard to see things that are somewhat affordable (especially compared to the housing market in Cali), and know that we still have MONTHS (six actually) on our lease. What to do, what to do?
By the way, just a warning, you think I don't write on this blog, or respond to emails quickly now? If we are able to buy a house, we won't actually be able to afford anything else. We'll live on ramen and water with no internet or television. I'm wondering if we'll actually be able to afford electricity, or if we should just buy some kerosene lamps and a sterno can. I can live without the internet, but I'm completely addicted to television. The cooking channel mostly. (Did I spell "sterno" correctly? It wasn't in my spell check dictionary. Isn't that the little can thing that you light? It was on the cooking channel last week.)
Well my complaining was fun for me. Quite a release. I must go smoke a cigarette now.
I catch the bus at 6:30 AM each morning. If I catch that one, it takes only 45 to 60 minutes to get to work. If I catch the 6:55 bus, it takes about 75 to 90 minutes. Mind you, I could drive to work in about 10 minutes, if I had a car. BUT having to go downtown and deal with disgruntled bus drivers who drive away even if four of us are about 15 feet away, waiving and running to catch that particular bus....
So, my bus ride. Since I spend about two hours each day sitting on the bus, you would think I would read or do something useful. Nope. I read at first, but started getting car (bus) sick. I tried to knit, but the needles were awkward. Crocheting is much easier, but I don't do that very often. I look out the window, or watch and analyze the people on the bus. There are all types.
The annoying types include the guy who sat and stared at me for the full 30 minutes (I transfer busses, so it's about 15 minutes on the first bus and 30 minutes on the second). The more annoying types are the people, unfortunately most are women, are the ones who sit on the outside and won't move in for people to sit. There could be old or disabled people needing to sit, and these mean, cruel people still sit on the outside. The just keep "reading" or acting like they don't notice the people standing, or notice the fact that the bus is packed.
And it's quite amazing how many people do not believe in bathing regularly. I'm not saying they have to bathe each day, and I understand there is a large homeless population who doesn't have the luxury of bathing each day. BUT the people, mostly men this time, who just smell! Their hair smells like oily hair, they smell like stale body odor. YEEUCKK!!! And it's also amazing how many men still do the comb-over. Not just the little four or five inches from one side to another, but the 10 inches swirled around like a sleeping rodent. For those of my close friends who might read this, remember, if you start to lose your hair, no one likes a comb-over.
Okay, enough complaining. It's just going to get worse. If Bill and I actually find a house we can afford (or possibly just a glorified shed), my commute will probably get longer. We're in kind of a tough spot. It's hard to see things that are somewhat affordable (especially compared to the housing market in Cali), and know that we still have MONTHS (six actually) on our lease. What to do, what to do?
By the way, just a warning, you think I don't write on this blog, or respond to emails quickly now? If we are able to buy a house, we won't actually be able to afford anything else. We'll live on ramen and water with no internet or television. I'm wondering if we'll actually be able to afford electricity, or if we should just buy some kerosene lamps and a sterno can. I can live without the internet, but I'm completely addicted to television. The cooking channel mostly. (Did I spell "sterno" correctly? It wasn't in my spell check dictionary. Isn't that the little can thing that you light? It was on the cooking channel last week.)
Well my complaining was fun for me. Quite a release. I must go smoke a cigarette now.
At 9:00 PM,
gingerish said…
I am going to comment on my own post. Actually, this is in responce to the comments on the last one. I don't really chew sunflower seeds, and believe you should root around in your mouth for the shell then use your fingers to take the shell out of your mouth and throw it on the ground. And as for my green mouth, I didn't chance it. I brushed immediately after drinking the green beer, remember my yellow teeth incident?
At 6:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sterno is correct, but it is a brand name and should be capitalized. And I hate when people correct other's grammer. I hate myself.
Thanks for coming down last night, and sharing the garlic bread recipe.
At 8:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
No! You did not smoke that cigarette! You did not? Or ... did you?
At 1:49 PM,
stacie said…
Hey Ginger-
I am hooked on the cooking channel too. I like Paula Deen and Ina Garten best. It is fun to watch on Sunday mornings.
Nice blog.
At 6:52 PM,
Justin Cooley said…
First of all, commenting on your own posts is awesome.
Second of all, this blog sure is pinku.
At 7:10 AM,
Justin Cooley said…
has this site been condemned...to the dustbin of history?
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